roller derby week 4

See week 3 here. It had occurred to me that I might injure myself while practising, and I had thought about avoiding practising on the weekends to give myself time to heal before Monday. I think about a lot of things that don't happen. So having somehow intensified the the …

roller derby week 3

See week 2 here. Having discovered and then fixed an embarassingly serious bug in my code on Friday, I spent the weekend before the paper deadline at the office rerunning experiments. This is a slow process - for whatever reason, tensorflow takes several minutes to fully initialise the computation graph for …

roller derby week 2ish

See week 1 here. I endeavoured to revise and presumably master all the material we covered in the first class on a Sunday afternoon (nerd, remember. Historically 'Good At School'). It seemed quite straight forward. I would just repeat the difficult thing until it became easy. I've been there. I …

roller derby week 1

See week 0 here. I am a nerd. I didn't want to go to class unprepared, so a few weeks before the Rookie Course started, I went to a neighbouring canton to buy derby gear so I could practice. Practice and hope to attain a minimal competency such that I …

roller derby week 0

In a turn of events baffling to those who know me, I decided to sign up to (try to) learn to play roller derby. Roller derby is a full-contact sport played on rollerskates. The game basically consists of getting in someone's way, or getting through people who are getting in …

transcribing my accent

An exercise in the international phonetic alphabet (IPA). Here's a quote from the magnificent Margaret Atwood book, "The Handmaid's Tale": "Now we walk along the same street, in red pairs, and no man shouts obscenities at us, speaks to us, touches us. No one whistles. There is more than one …

important site updates

Two matters, one vastly more important than the other: SSL is active! It was incredibly easy to set up with Let's Encrypt. Losing SSL was one sad thing about moving away from GitHub pages, but it is clearly remedied. Now you can access my content securely. This site has a …

ICML 2016 not by the day

The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) was in NYC this year! Unfortunately(?) for me, I moved from NYC to Zürich two months ago. Fortunately for me, I was able to return to attend the conference. Instead of doing a day-by-day breakdown (as I did for NIPS and AAAI), this …

characterising treatment pathways at scale using the OHDSI network

This post is about the paper Characterizing treatment pathways at scale using the OHDSI network from the hefty author list: George Hripcsak, Patrick B. Ryan, Jon D. Duke, Nigam H. Shah, Rae Woong Park, Vojtech Huser, Marc A. Suchard, Martijn J. Schuemie, Frank J. DeFalco, Adler Perotte, Juan M. Banda …

play me a match of doto for your heart

Here are some strange messages I have received on OKCupid. ??? you are evil // Sorry you do not you're Sorry hi // how are you? // what did you mean with that you are dog person Hi. How are you? Please I need a favor Hey bitch, are you studying computer science? (this …