density plots without outlines in ggplot2

It is not: anything in the aes of the ggplot call color=FALSE color=NULL It is: color=NA in the geom_density call e.g. :::R ggplot(data, aes(x=value, fill=grouping))+geom_density(color=NA) Example (this is some real data I'm currently working with, but I've …

just the tips

For fear of turning this blog into a Chinese Restaurant Process I've spawned a new category, called tips. This category is the closest to my original vision for a PhD-blog, where I would write down useful things as I learned them. It turns out that's not very sustainable (PhD involves …

pgp 101

I gave an 'Introduction to PGP'-type talk/tutorial at CryptoHarlem last night. PGP can be a little confusing and it gets a lot of criticism for being unusable, so I tried to focus on the higher-level aspects, like how it works and why you want that. I fear it ended …

aligning vectors (animation)

I'm working on an embedding procedure for placing things into vector spaces. Things which might not normally live in a vector space (although in a sense we all live in a Lorentzian manifold). The basic idea is to take a model, present a bunch of examples of these objects relating …

lá fhéile pádraig

Today is St. Patrick's day, which means there's a lot of this online: Lá Féile Pádraig shona duit or this: Lá Fhéile Phádraig sona duit or basically any variation of: Lá F(h)éile P(h)ádraig s(h)ona duit which all roughly mean 'Happy St. Patrick's Day' in …

temporal anomaly

I'm gradually migrating old posts over from my WordPress blog, which will be backdated, ruining the timestamps-through-commits system that could have been, but never was. Hopefully the validity of the alleged timestamps on these posts will never be important for anything. Comparing the new post[1] with the old also …

databases all the way down

I'm (arguably) a data scientist, so I need data to do science. A problem with data is that it's all over the place, a natural and unsurprising consequence of its many origins. Producing databases seems to be a hobby for bioinformaticians, which also includes databases of databases (Bolser et al …

into the gui pond

In my previous post about getting Pond running on Yosemite, I ran into an issue with the GUI. The CLI interface seems to be fully-functional and pleasant enough for me, but GUI-errors are no guid. So yesterday I tried to figure out what the problem was, and somehow fixed it …

setting up pond on yosemite

This is about Pond. If you have no idea what that is but don't want to click on the link, I shall quote directly; Pond is not email. Pond is forward secure, asynchronous messaging for the discerning. Pond messages are asynchronous, but are not a record; they expire automatically a …

first post

Does anyone remember their first website? I know I was a nine-year-old with Microsoft Word and "Save as HTML", which seems like a decent reason to forget it, even if it was Pokemon-themed. Given my complete lack of gainful employment at the time, I took to website-making as if it …