
An apeirotope or infinite polytope is a polytope which has infinitely many facets.

This is the personal website of Stephanie (L.) Hyland. I am a principal researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge, where I work on machine learning for healthcare.

Previously, I was a PhD student living in NYC/Zürich, in the Biomedical Informatics Group at Sloan Kettering/Weill Cornell/ETHZ. Before that, I did theoretical physics in Trinity College Dublin, and mathematics (Part III) at St John's College, Cambridge.

For more about my science, and links to talks/posters I've given, see my other website.



Find me @hylandsl.bsky.social.


Get me at gmail (steph.hyland) or my institutional addresses (see publications I'm on).

website info

This site uses a variant of the voce theme by Benjamin Lim.