installing tmux locally

I have been setting myself up on a new computing cluster (CentOS 6.7), so I'm in the lovely land of installing things without root. tmux proved a bit frustrating, so here's what I ended up doing: install libevent tmux needs this, I didn't have it (you might, so try …

quotes in awk

Lazily trying to paste a long list of strings into python, which means I need things wrapped in quotes (and commas, but I'm excluding them from this example cause they're easy). Grabbing the strings from a file using awk, but since quotes (apostrophes) are special in awk this messes things …

man cut and other simple yet useful unix bits

Instead of just reading the man file, you could read this post about cut! Printing columns ('fields') n to m (inclusive) from a file: cut -d [delimiter] -f n-m filename Thus, removing the first n-1 fields from a file: cut -d [delimiter] -f n- filename [delimiter] is automatically a …